1/6系列 电影 钢铁侠2 托尼.斯塔克 可动人偶 双版本
隨著品牌的製作及生產技術方面的持續進步,Hot Toys 現以皇牌系列的極像真1:6比例珍藏人偶模式足本還原《鐵甲奇俠2》Tony Stark (Mark V盔甲版) 1:6比例珍藏人偶 (豪華/普通版本),經典重塑Tony Stark 於歷史方程式賽車活動場會的賽車服,更可組裝成Tony Stark穿上鐵甲奇俠Mark V 時的半裝甲形態,①套人偶能如實呈現兩款極具人氣的電影造型,絕對會鐵甲迷不可或缺的好物之①! Hot Toys 根據演員羅拔唐尼 (Robert Downey Jr.) 肖像,為人偶全新雕製與塗裝Tony Stark 極像真頭雕,捕捉角色的表情神髓、五官輪廓、凌亂髮型和招牌鬍子造型,並細緻地掃上打鬥後的瘀傷與血痕,高度仿真絕對媲美真人。Hot Toys特別按照Tony Stark的外型比例,塑造出高逾30cm、具30多個活動關節的高可動專用素體,同時,Hot Toys製作團隊百分百按照原版戲服以造真人服裝的技術及高質量布料製作全套藍、黑色的賽車服,如實參考電影造型製作出飾有STARK文字的拉鏈外套、長褲及靴子,整套服裝的剪裁技巧細緻到位。 人偶的另①亮點將會是還原上Tony Stark穿上鐵甲奇俠Mark V 時的半裝甲形態,Hot Toys 為鐵甲奇俠Mark V全新編製複雜且細密的半裝甲結構,具金屬感的紅、銀色半Mark V裝甲將分拆成多項組件以方便玩家們安裝,當中細節包括: 胸口反應器位置保留了LED 亮燈功能、胸甲部分備有活動功能、半裝甲形態展現出裝甲內部的機械組件與電線、腰部與腿部可呈現出延展狀態,以及背部多組擾流定風翼、小腿裝甲更備開啓功能,以及配有多對賽車服手套造型手掌和具可動手指的裝甲造型手掌以供替換等等,讓玩家們自行組裝出不同程度的半裝甲形態,相信此套人偶絕對是本年度Hot Toys 設計團隊的①大突破!以上為《鐵甲奇俠2》Tony Stark (Mark V盔甲版) 1:6比例珍藏人偶 (普通版本) 的配置。 而《鐵甲奇俠2》Tony Stark (Mark V盔甲版) 1:6比例珍藏人偶 (豪華版本) 除了配置以上的普通版本配置外,更配有①個備開啟功能的鐵甲奇俠Mark V手提箱和①組從手提箱拉出狀態的Mark V 內部裝甲組件,可安裝於打開後的Mark V 手提箱上,手提箱上備有少許活動的把手,讓穿上賽車服的Tony Stark 人偶從Mark V 手提箱拉出裝甲時的情節。 《鐵甲奇俠2》Tony Stark (Mark V盔甲版) 1:6比例珍藏人偶 (普通版本) 隨著品牌的製作及生產技術方面的持續進步,Hot Toys 現以皇牌系列的極像真1:6比例珍藏人偶模式足本還原《鐵甲奇俠2》Tony Stark (Mark 5盔甲版) 1:6比例珍藏人偶 (豪華/普通版本),經典重塑Tony Stark 於歷史方程式賽車活動場會的賽車服,更可組裝成Tony Stark穿上鐵甲奇俠Mark V 時的半裝甲形態,①套人偶能如實呈現兩款極具人氣的電影造型,絕對會鐵甲迷不可或缺的好物之①! Hot Toys 根據演員羅拔唐尼 (Robert Downey Jr.) 肖像,為人偶全新雕製與塗裝Tony Stark 極像真頭雕,捕捉角色的表情神髓、五官輪廓、凌亂髮型和招牌鬍子造型,並細緻地掃上打鬥後的瘀傷與血痕,高度仿真絕對媲美真人。Hot Toys特別按照Tony Stark的外型比例,塑造出高逾30cm、具30多個活動關節的高可動專用素體,同時,Hot Toys製作團隊百分百按照原版戲服以造真人服裝的技術及高質量布料製作全套藍、黑色的賽車服,如實參考電影造型製作出飾有STARK文字的拉鏈外套、長褲及靴子,整套服裝的剪裁技巧細緻到位。 人偶的另①亮點將會是還原上Tony Stark穿上鐵甲奇俠Mark V 時的半裝甲形態,Hot Toys 為鐵甲奇俠Mark V全新編製複雜且細密的半裝甲結構,具金屬感的紅、銀色半Mark V裝甲將分拆成多項組件以方便玩家們安裝,當中細節包括: 胸口反應器位置保留了LED 亮燈功能、胸甲部分備有活動功能、半裝甲形態展現出裝甲內部的機械組件與電線、腰部與腿部可呈現出延展狀態,以及背部多組擾流定風翼、小腿裝甲更備開啓功能,以及配有多對賽車服手套造型手掌和具可動手指的裝甲造型手掌以供替換等等,讓玩家們自行組裝出不同程度的半裝甲形態,相信此套人偶絕對是本年度Hot Toys 設計團隊的①大突破!以上為《鐵甲奇俠2》Tony Stark (Mark V盔甲版) 1:6比例珍藏人偶 (普通版本) 的配置。 【Iron Man 2 - 1/6th scale Tony Stark (Mark V Suit up Version) Collectible Figure】 Shows up in the middle of the race circuit and demonstrates a near-perfect command of plasma-powered whips, Whiplash challenges Tony Stark’s strength while he was driving in a formula car. Inspired by the Mark V suiting up scene on the race track in Iron Man 2 movie, Hot Toys is thrilled to introduce the 1/6th scale Tony Stark (Mark V Suit up Version) collectible figure. Demonstrates perfectly designed armor pieces with mechanical details and articulated function, allowing fans to assemble the stunning armor on top of the highly-detailed figure. The movie-accurate figure is finely crafted based on Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark/Iron Man in the movie, features a newly developed Tony Stark head sculpt with specially applied battle damaged effects; a stunningly detailed racing suit; LED light-up function design on arc reactor, and forearms; attachable Iron Man Mark V armor parts in defined proportion including helmet, chest and shoulders armor, upper back armor, thigh and calf armors, hands with articulated fingers; skillfully painted in red and silver coloring with an astonishing metallic appearance; several pieces of interchangeable armors for different assembling looks; and a figure base. Reserve a space for the special Tony Stark figure in your Marvel collection!
《鐵甲奇俠2》Tony Stark (Mark V盔甲版) 1:6比例珍藏人偶 (豪華版本) 隨著品牌的製作及生產技術方面的持續進步,Hot Toys 現以皇牌系列的極像真1:6比例珍藏人偶模式足本還原《鐵甲奇俠2》Tony Stark (Mark V盔甲版) 1:6比例珍藏人偶 (豪華/普通版本),經典重塑Tony Stark 於歷史方程式賽車活動場會的賽車服,更可組裝成Tony Stark穿上鐵甲奇俠Mark V 時的半裝甲形態,①套人偶能如實呈現兩款極具人氣的電影造型,絕對會鐵甲迷不可或缺的好物之①! Hot Toys 根據演員羅拔唐尼 (Robert Downey Jr.) 肖像,為人偶全新雕製與塗裝Tony Stark 極像真頭雕,捕捉角色的表情神髓、五官輪廓、凌亂髮型和招牌鬍子造型,並細緻地掃上打鬥後的瘀傷與血痕,高度仿真絕對媲美真人。Hot Toys特別按照Tony Stark的外型比例,塑造出高逾30cm、具30多個活動關節的高可動專用素體,同時,Hot Toys製作團隊百分百按照原版戲服以造真人服裝的技術及高質量布料製作全套藍、黑色的賽車服,如實參考電影造型製作出飾有STARK文字的拉鏈外套、長褲及靴子,整套服裝的剪裁技巧細緻到位。 人偶的另①亮點將會是還原上Tony Stark穿上鐵甲奇俠Mark V 時的半裝甲形態,Hot Toys 為鐵甲奇俠Mark V全新編製複雜且細密的半裝甲結構,具金屬感的紅、銀色半Mark V裝甲將分拆成多項組件以方便玩家們安裝,當中細節包括: 胸口反應器位置保留了LED 亮燈功能、胸甲部分備有活動功能、半裝甲形態展現出裝甲內部的機械組件與電線、腰部與腿部可呈現出延展狀態,以及背部多組擾流定風翼、小腿裝甲更備開啓功能,以及配有多對賽車服手套造型手掌和具可動手指的裝甲造型手掌以供替換等等,讓玩家們自行組裝出不同程度的半裝甲形態,相信此套人偶絕對是本年度Hot Toys 設計團隊的①大突破!以上為《鐵甲奇俠2》Tony Stark (Mark 5盔甲版) 1:6比例珍藏人偶 (普通版本) 的配置。 而《鐵甲奇俠2》Tony Stark (Mark V盔甲版) 1:6比例珍藏人偶 (豪華版本) 除了配置以上的普通版本配置外,更配有①個備開啟功能的鐵甲奇俠Mark V手提箱和①組從手提箱拉出狀態的Mark V 內部裝甲組件,可安裝於打開後的Mark V 手提箱上,手提箱上備有少許活動的把手,讓穿上賽車服的Tony Stark 人偶從Mark V 手提箱拉出裝甲時的情節。 【Iron Man 2 - 1/6th scale Tony Stark (Mark V Suit up Version) Collectible Figure (Deluxe Version)】 “Give me the case! Come on!” – Tony Stark During his vacation to Monaco, Tony Stark found himself in dire need of the Mark V armor when Whiplash attacked him in the race circuit! Despite the dangers, Happy Hogan and Pepper Potts delivered the portable armor in suitcase, which allowed Tony to defeat the villain with a near-perfect command of energized whips. Celebrating the 600th creations of Hot Toys Movie Masterpiece Series, we proudly present a brand new Tony Stark (Mark V Suit up Version) as 1/6th scale collection figure, winds through Tony’s racing track suit and the visually appealing Iron Man Mark V’s suit up scene in Iron Man 2 with a selection of beautifully engineered armor pieces and accessories attachable over the figure. The movie-accurate figure is finely crafted based on Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark/Iron Man in the movie, features a newly developed Tony Stark head sculpt with specially applied battle damaged effects; a gorgeously detailed racing suit; LED light-up function design on arc reactor, and forearms; attachable Iron Man Mark V armor parts in defined proportion including helmet, chest and shoulders, upper back, thigh and calf armors, hands with articulated fingers; skillfully painted in red and silver coloring with an astonishing metallic appearance; several pieces of interchangeable armors for different assembling looks; and a figure base. In addition, the deluxe version includes a stunningly-detailed metallic red and silver Mark V suitcase with articulated function, displaying intricate compositions after expanding, comes with more assembling parts that especially for this suitcase, to recreate the scene in a full extent. Suit up with the Tony Stark figure by today. It’s a must-have for fans of Iron Man! |