[周边摄影] Kinetiquettes 新品 1/4系列 游戏 街头霸王 世界上蕞强女人: 春丽 雕像

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1/4系列 游戏 街头霸王 世界上蕞强女人: 春丽 雕像

Sideshow and Kinetiquettes are proud to present "Chun Li - The Strongest Woman In The World", from CAPCOM's Street Fighter series!
The diorama depicts Chun-Li acrobatically jumping off one of the tables from the noodle shop in her classic and SFV stage. This diorama is inspired by various elements that appeared in the various Street Fighter games, showcasing her in a dynamic pose with an intricately detailed base.
Designed and art directed by Stanley 'Artgerm' Lau, and sculpted by Adeeb Mynul, this stunning 1:4 Scale Diorama is sure to thrill even the most die-hard Street Fighter fanatics. Add Chun-Li to your collection today!
Product Size
Height: 22.04" (56 cm)
Width: 15.74" (40 cm)
Depth: 11.41" (29 cm) *

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