[周边摄影] DST SDCC新品 电影 电子世界争霸战 7寸(177mm)高 可动人偶 3人套装 豪华版

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电影 电子世界争霸战 7寸(177mm)高 可动人偶 3人套装 豪华版

Diamond Select Toys have sent through info on their first SDCC 2021 exclusive! This is a Tron Select Box Set featuring Tron, Sark and Flynn in translucent plastic all in one set. The MSRP is 80 USD and it’s limited to 3,000 pieces. Check the details below and pics inside!
Diamond Select Toys’ First San Diego Exclusive Revealed!
The summer’s biggest convention has gone virtual, but this year’s convention exclusives are about to get real! Diamond Select Toys is ready to reveal the first convention exclusive of the summer, and it’s an amazing box set from the magical online world of Tron! Read on for details, then order online at gentlegiantltd.com!
San Diego 2021 Tron Retro Deluxe Action Figure Box Set
Visit the far-flung future of 1982! As we approach 40 years of Tron, Diamond Select Toys is looking back to the original Tron toy releases for this new exclusive box set! These three 7-inch figures – Tron, Sark and Flynn – are cast in translucent material to replicate their 1982 action figures, with black-light-reactive printed details. Each comes packaged on a retro-styled blister card, and all three come packaged in a full-color window box. Limited to only 3,000 pieces! Designed by Yuri Tming, sculpted by Gentle Giant Studios! (Item #SEP209387, SRP: $80.00)

上一篇:孩之宝 新品 ML 无限传奇系列 复联2 快银 6寸(152mm)高 可动人偶 实物图
下一篇:DC Comics 新品 黑白系列 蝙蝠侠(麦克法兰) 彩色版 雕像 只限日本
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