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【Echo Base獨家商品 還原Boba Fett與Stormtrooper Commander的利落打鬥場景】 是次Hot Toys參照第二季《The Mandalorian》劇中曾與Boba Fett 打鬥,配有橙色肩膊護甲的Stormtrooper Commander,以皇牌系列的極像真1:6比例珍藏人偶模式足本還原。力求盡善盡美的Hot Toys 將參照《The Mandalorian》中影集造型為製作藍本,足本打造出高約30cm,全身具30多處可動關節的Stormtrooper Commander專用素體,結合尖端人偶製作工藝及還原度極高的物料、結構與高質感塗裝技術,呈流線與貼服感的護甲,可靈活應付大幅度的動作形態! 與此同時,整套配備Stormtrooper Commander外觀設定的頭盔和護甲,然後於右肩膊上裝配橙色護甲以還原“Stormtrooper Commander” 的設定,同時裝備腰帶上的熱能榴彈以磁石裝配,方便玩家拆下。隨Stormtrooper Commander人偶更會配備兩把不同型號的鐳射步槍、多個標準造型手掌去配合擺放各式姿勢動作和①個特別設計的砂地情景地台。 "Up top! Get up there!" When the Mandalorian brought the alien foundling Grogu to the planet of Tython in order to reach other Jedi, they were tracked by Moff Gideon and a unit of remnant Stormtroopers were sent to capture the child. In celebration of Star Wars Day, Hot Toys is pleased to present a new 1/6th scale collectible figure of the Stormtrooper Commander from The Mandalorian as an exclusive item! The highly-accurate collectible figure is developed based on the Stormtrooper Commander’s appearance in the critically acclaimed live-action series. It features detailed helmet and armor with weathering effects, the commander’s orange pauldron, a black under-suit, two style of blaster rifles, and a display base! Lead the troopers in your Star Wars collection with this new 1/6th scale Stormtrooper Commander collectible figure! The 1/6th scale Stormtrooper Commander Collectible Figure specially features: - Authentic and detailed likeness of Stormtrooper Commander in the Star Wars: The Mandalorian series - Specially applied white colored painting on armor - Approximately 30 cm tall - Body with over 30 points of articulations - Seven (7) pieces of interchangeable gloved hands including: - One (1) pair of fist - One (1) pair of relaxed hands - One (1) pair of hands for holding weapon - One (1) open left hand Costume: - One (1) finely crafted Stormtrooper Commander armor - One (1) black colored and multi textured fabric under-suit - One (1) orange colored pauldron - One (1) white colored belt - One (1) pair of white boots Weapons: - Two (2) blaster rifles Accessory: - Specially designed sand themed diorama figure stand with Star Wars logo and character nameplate Release date: Approximately Q4, 2021 – Q1, 2022 *Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different **Product details could be subjected to change without further notice |