[周边摄影] Weta Workshop 新品 1/4系列 扎克·施奈德版 正义联盟 超人(黑服版) 18.5寸

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扎克·施奈德版 正义联盟 超人(黑服版) 18.5寸(470mm)高 雕像

1:4 Scale Limited Edition of 1,000
The signature superhero of the DC Universe, Superman returns wearing the iconic black version of his costume in Zack Snyder’s Justice League.

1:4 scale statue in high quality polystone
Portrays the most well-known superhero of them all – Superman, in an iconic black suit with the “S” emblazoned on his chest.
2 x interchangeable heads with different facial expressions and LED light-up eyes
Sculpture’s concept creation under Zack’s vision and direction
Digitally sculpted from original 3D film files, by Weta Workshop artist Mauro Santini.
Unique base design featuring additional “Zack Snyder’s Justice League” plaque for display at collector’s preference.

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