[周边摄影] 千值练 ACG新品 Figthing Armor系列 钢铁侠(黑金版) 可动人偶

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Figthing Armor系列 钢铁侠 可动人偶

只限ACG 2021

Sentinel will be releasing a black and gold version of their Fighting Armor Iron Man as a convention exclusive during ACG 2021 next week.  Limited to 200 pieces for the show, it will retail for HK $680 or about $87.50 USD.  Whether or not this gets released in other markets later is unknown at the moment.  Check the pics after the break!
【ACG2021】Limited Edition
Brand: Sentinel
Item name: FIGHTING ARMOR Iron Man (Black Limited Edition)
ACG price: HK$680
Limited to 200pcs for ACG, starting selling on 23-Jul (the first day of ACG) at booth E01.

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