[周边摄影] Super7 新品 终极版系列 恐龙战队 普挮兵 7寸(177mm)高 可动人偶

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终极版系列 恐龙战队 普挮兵 7寸(177mm)高 可动人偶

Created from Finster’s Monster-Matic, the Putty Patrol is Rita Repulsa’s endless evil horde. They often accompany Rita’s Evil Space Aliens and provide backup for Goldar’s assaults on the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers. Putties are able to adapt to any situation, sometimes absorbing another monster’s power to fight the Power Rangers.
The 7” scale fully articulated Putty Patroller ULTIMATES! figure come with interchangeable heads and hands, soft goods clothing, and additional accessories that allow you to display them as seen in some of your favorite MMPR episodes. They may not be made out of clay like a real Putty Patroller, but at least it won’t explode when you hit its chest! Get your own Putty Patrol going by adding them to your MMPR collection today!

上一篇:Iron Studios 新品 1/10系列 电影 黑寡妇 模仿大师 200mm高 雕像
下一篇:PLAY TOY 新品 1/6系列 快乐的牛仔 可动人偶
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