[周边摄影] Super7 新品 迪士尼 终极版系列 动画 爱丽丝梦游仙境 爱丽丝 可动人偶

查看9542 | 回复0 | 2023-2-7 21:57:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
迪士尼 终极版系列 动画 爱丽丝梦游仙境 爱丽丝 可动人偶

Sideshow and Super7 have gone down the rabbit hole in honor of the 70th anniversary of Disney’s Alice in Wonderland!
This deluxe Alice Action Figure comes loaded with additional parts and accessories, ready to reenact multiple scenes from the classic movie! This 8" highly-articulated, made-to-order figure comes with a soft goods apron and skirt, alternate heads, hands, Alice’s pet kitten Dinah, a miniature version of Alice, and additional iconic accessories.
Don't miss your chance to add this Alice Figure to your Disney collection!

上一篇:Jazwares 新品 20周年游戏 光环 可动人偶 双人盒装 只限GameStop
下一篇:Super7 新品 终极版系列 动漫 忍者神龟 武士 莱昂纳多 7寸(177mm)高 可动人
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