[周边摄影] Storm 新品 1/6系列 游戏 真人快打11 蝎子 可动人偶

查看3099 | 回复1 | 2023-2-8 08:12:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1/6系列 游戏 真人快打11 蝎子 可动人偶

Storm Collectibles has just released a new updated full gallery of the upcoming Mortal Kombat 11 Scorpion. Hanzo Hasashi was once a member of the Japanese Shirai Ryu ninja clan. Given the name Scorpion for his blindingly fast and deadly fighting skill, his life was blessed with glorious kombat in the name of his Grand Master But when he, his family and his clan were brutally exterminated by Sub-Zero and the Lin Kuei, Scorpion’s existence became eternal torment. Resurrected by the malevolent necromancer Quan Chi, he entered the Mortal Kombat tournament to slay Sub-Zero and avenge the murders of his kin. Estimated release date: Q3 2022 $235.00
Check out all the new Storm Collectibles Mortal Kombat 11 Scorpion images after the jump.

1/6 Scale MORTAL KOMBAT 11 Scorpion Klassic Action Figure
MK11 Scorpion Klassic Skin
Fabric Material Outfit
4 x Pair of Hands
2 x Sword
2 x Sword Sheath
1 x Spare
1 x Hell Fire Effect

上一篇:本月模型杂志 Hobby Japan(22年2月号)卷头特辑 高达0083+附录 12月25日出版
下一篇:日站 万代2月 高达食玩 G FRAME FA EX01 京宝梵& 乔巴姆装甲 实物测评
溪余徐 | 2023-2-8 09:40:07 | 显示全部楼层

哲♂学之路永无止境。Boy! Next door.

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