[周边摄影] DarkSide 新品 1/4系列 游戏 生化危机4 里昂·S·肯尼迪 18.9寸(480mm)高

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1/4系列 游戏 生化危机4 里昂·S·肯尼迪 18.9寸(480mm)高 雕像

The artisans of Darkside Collectibles Studio with an unparallel quality in art, engineering, and craftsmanship proudly present Leon Kennedy Premium statue, based on the legendary video game Resident Evil 4. Leon is presented combat-ready in his classic casual outfit wearing his iconic leather jacket. His costume features highly detailed accessories sculpted to the finest detail. Extraordinary realistic textures complete his stunning presentation.
Presented on a highly detailed round base representing the game cover cemetery scene, featuring details such as the defeated Garrador weapon and monk’s skull breaker Leon is the perfect companion to our Ada Wong Premium Statue Highly detailed and accurate the statue has been developed under the supervision of Capcom for a stunning result of the iconic character. The finest sculpting details are implemented in this statue to guarantee the satisfaction of all Resident Evil fans.

The Leon Kennedy Premium Statue features:
Highly detailed likeness of Leon Kennedy as appeared in the Resident Evil 4 original game.
Accurately embodied highly detailed iconic props and accessories

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