[周边摄影] Hiya Toys 新品 1/18系列 电影 异形 琼·兰伯特(宇航服) 可动人偶

查看8453 | 回复0 | 2023-2-8 21:32:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1/18系列 电影 异形 琼·兰伯特(宇航服) 110mm高 可动人偶

Alien – Joan Lambert in Nostromo Space Suit
A PREVIEWS Exclusive! One of the three crewmembers chosen to explore LV-426, Lambert eventually stumbles across a derelict spacecraft. When they discovered the remains of the Space Jockey, Lambert wondered aloud what happened to the other members of the crew. Now, Hiya Toys has created this blue spacesuit version Lambert from the movie before she was taken away by the Alien to be a host! This 1/18 scale figure stands approximately 4.3″ tall and comes complete with a blaster accessory.

上一篇:Sideshow 新品 Premium Format系列 Marvel 美国队长 21寸(533mm)高 雕像
下一篇:JOY TOYS 新品 1/18系列 野猫全地形四驱车 灰色版
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